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Movie night with Slurp Ramen

Movie night with Slurp Ramen and Dandelions 18:30. Doors open at 18:00.

Our friends from Slurp Ramen together with the house kitchen will prepare a 3 course menu. We will rewatch, one of favourite movies. It was the first movie screened at our corner, under rudimentary conditions, before we opened. A classic …

You will seated at sharing tables, with old and new friends. Food will be served during the movie along with whatever drinks you prefer.


Hiramasa · citrus

Slurp Ramen

Something sweet and delicious

price 375

Table plan
There is no plan, but you will be seated at long tables or round tables. Your group will be seated together with plenty of options to meet new friends, share a bottle or engage in fruitful conversations.

As in spirit the meal are served for sharing and joy, and we can therefore not prepare individual servings. However, please let us know in advance and we will do our best on the night and of course provide guidance. The meal is at base vegetarian with amendments from the Sea.

Via the reservationlink in the navigation menu. Reservations will close at 15:30 on the day. You are of course welcome to call us if you feel spontaneous.

Is done on the night, however we do reserve 325 per guest on your credit card, when confirming the booking. We will not hold or deduct any money from your card when you book the table.

We understand that life presents unforeseen circumstances. Please let us know as soon as possible and latest 8 hours before reservation time if you or someone in your group cannot make it. This is so others might have the opportunity to dine with and not cause us unnecessary losses. In case of late cancellation or “no show” we can choose deduct the amount from your credit card.

January 25

Fællesspisning - Brasserie Admiralgade 26

February 8

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